Need Adult and Child Care Assistance?
Contact our team of trained and professional home care assistants today!
Well Trained & Highly Qualified Caregivers
- Bellsway Health Care Solutions (Pvt) Ltd offers a wide range of services, including adult and child care.
- Our carers, who are qualified and trained professionals, support the needs of our clients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, allowing them the best quality of life possible.
Fully Licensed Home Care Agency
- Bellsway Health Care Solutions supported accommodation provides the best possible specialist 24 hour care service for vulnerable children and adults with learning disabilities.
- Our care services include being able to develop and maintain independence, having choice and control over decisions that affect our client’s lives, maintaining health and well-being, learning and maintaining skills throughout our client’s lives and having the respect of others around them.
Our Home Care Services
We offer direct personal care and assistance with activities of daily living to patients and residents in a variety of health care settings.

Child Care
Our carers provide the best possible specialist 24 hour care service for vulnerable children and adults with learning disabilities and complex needs. Our carers are qualified and trained professionals, support the needs of our clients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, allowing them the best quality of life possible.

Adult Care
We have supported accommodation in West Midlands (Walsall) that provides the best care service for children with learning disabilities and complex needs. Our aim is to care for our young people to enable them to reach their full potential in relation to every aspect of their life and well-being.

Mentorship & Counselling
How We Can Support

Care Support
Patients Served
Our experienced team of care assistants have attended to over 200+ patients in greater Manchester, West Midlands and across the United Kingdom.
Find comfort in your own home.
Our carers are flexible in providing support services within your home. Receive the best care in the comfort of your own space.

“We provide specialised training and skills that support independent living.”


Contact Bellsway Health Care Solutions today!
For the best children and adult care assistants in United Kingdom.
Bellsway Health Care Solutions
Offering a wide range of services, including care at home and home help services.